The European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity (EFDS) was founded in January 1993 by social democratic parties and political foundations from EU countries. The first few years were spent on establishing contacts throughout Central and Eastern Europe, especially focusing on countries that were to become EU members in the mid-2000’s.
In the following years the Forum expanded its activities, also with a focus on research and news dissemination. The network of contacts has reached the countries of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
The European Forum is dedicated to support the transformation and democratisation processes in the abovementioned regions. By serving as a platform for cooperation between social democratic and progressive actors it aims to contribute to the development of (social) democracy. We do so by bringing political parties, organisations and political foundations together. Moreover, the EFDS informs the international social democratic movement on the political situation in various countries with an emphasis on the developments of social democracy. See more on our ‘Headlines’ page!
A substantial part of the work of the EFDS consists of the coordination and cooperation with of European political actors in EU-candidate countries. The EFDS initiates assessments, networking opportunities and research on democratisation efforts and potential partners in social democratic and progressive politics. In practice this means that the EFDS organises a large international conference and some smaller scale assessment visits and seminars every year. Here we bring our network together an discuss challenges and opportunities in advancing our green and social agenda throughout Europe.
The EFDS tries to analyse the situation in and learn and inform about certain countries, thereby improving knowledge and extending contacts. We do so through analyses, webinars and through our monthly Newsletter. Interested? Sign up for our newsletter below!
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